Author: Semkova A.V.
Affiliation: Polytechnical Institute (branch) of Nortn-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov in Mirniy
Abstract: In theoretical linguistics it has been in urgent need to arrange the sentences on the basis of their common semantics. It allows describing them systematically. So, it seems possible to analyze the sentences within the framework of a field theory and unite semantically close sentences in the fields.
Keywords: sentence field, prototypical situation, prototypical construction, non- prototypical construction
Ковалева Л.М. Сентенциональное поле как объект когнитивного исследования // Когнитивные категории в синтаксисе: коллектив. моногр. Иркутск: ИГЛУ, 2009. С. 105-125.
Lutzeier P. Lexical Fields – Surrey, UK: University of Surrey, Elsevier Ltd, 2006. 1 электрон. отл. диск (CD-ROM).
Pages: 602-604