Author: A.A. Jioeva
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Abstract: The article illustrates the anthropocentric phenomenon dealt within the frames of languages and cultures. The broadest understanding of this fact as a fixation and analysis of universal characteristics of the latter allows the author to submit personal understanding of anthropocentrism – ethnocentrism dichotomy components which are seen not such as opposing units, but as a creation of complementary and interrelated units. The English language and culture phenomenon of PRIVACY and the related issues (Nominality, Doublespeak, Understatement, Hedges, language and culture distancing view of the world) reveal the signs of Anglo-Saxon ethnocentrism. Yet, this phenomenon is seen by the author as an attribute of anthropocentric nature and an indication of the power and potentials of languages and cultures as such.
Keywords: anthropocentricity, ethnocentricity, languages, cultures, English language and culture, Privacy, Nominality, distancization, cinematography, arts.
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Pages: 715-720