


Author:  Elena G. Beliaevskaya

Affiliation:  Moscow State Linguistic University

Abstract:  The paper looks at scientific terms with «meta-» including linguistic terms metalanguage and metadiscourse. It is shown that the semantics of the element «meta-» stems from a cluster of orientation conceptual metaphors which account for the variability of the meaning of the term «metadiscourse». Metadiscourse may be discussed from the point of view of the author of discourse, from the point of view of the recipient of the information (addressee), or from the point of view of a linguist conceptualizing discourse. Thus three varieties of metadiscourse may be singled out: «metadiscourse D» (decoding metadiscourse reconstruction), «metadiscourse G» (generative metadiscourse reconstruction), and «metadiscourse C» (conceptualized metadiscourse reconstruction). Different approaches to defining metadiscourse are interlinked and may be applied separately or in combination to bring out conceptual structures underlying discursive practices.

Keywords:  meta-, discourse, metadiscourse, metaconcept, modeling discourse, interpretation, linguistic research methodology.


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Pages:  137-148

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