
The peculiarities of interpretation of denominal verbs: the interaction of vocabulary and grammar

The peculiarities of interpretation of denominal verbs: the interaction of vocabulary and grammar

Author:  Lyudmila V. Babina

Affiliation:  Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin

Abstract:  The influence of a base word, knowledge structure evoked by a base word, and context on the interpretation of the meaning of denominal verbs is considered in the article. Semantics of denominal verbs is analyzed with the help of a sketch-frame.

Keywords:  denominal verbs  ◆  frame  ◆  sketch-frame  ◆  meaning  ◆  syntactic structure

References:  Babina L.V. Kognitivnye osnovy vtorichnykh yavleniy v yazyke i rechi: monografiya. Tambov-Moskva: Izd-vo TGU im. G.R. Derzhavina, 2003.
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Pages:  226-233

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