Author: E.V. Kalinina
Affiliation: Southern Federal University
Being one of the central notions of the text linguistics and discursive analysis, foregrounding refers to the new information. It is interpreted as a specific contrast between the utterance components on the background of which the reader perceives the new information which is quite actual for the text interpretation. In connection to this, the article reveals the foregrounding linguistic markers pertaining to the syntactic, morphological and lexical levels. The function of this kind of linguistic means is to mark the information which is in the foregrounding position. The language func-tioning presupposes the definite conventions of atomizing the addressee’s attention to the new information expressed; the authors of the literary texts are anxious to break these conventions withy the aim of generating various aesthetic effects, reinforcing the potential text meaning and impacting upon the readers.
Keywords: text linguistics, literary text, new information foregrounding, frame
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Pages: 694-697