
Evaluative representation of knowledge about an individual through English landscape lexis

Evaluative representation of knowledge about an individual through English landscape lexis

Author:  Chistyakova E.V.

Affiliation:  Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin

Abstract:  The chapter is devoted to the evaluative potential of the English landscape lexis, namely, to the representation of knowledge of man in evaluative senses verbalized by the English landscape lexis. The representation of knowledge of man in the evaluative senses under study is considered within the framework of separate paragraphs, each of which corresponds to a certain sphere of man’s life.

Keywords:  evaluative potential  ◆  evaluative sense  ◆  concept  ◆  conceptual derivation  ◆  interpretation

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Istochniki fakticheskogo materiala

BNC – British National Corpus. URL: http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/
COCA – Corpus of Contemporary American English. URL: http://corpus.byu.edu/COCA/

Pages:  158-174

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