
Derived and compound words as realization of creativity in language

Derived and compound words as realization of creativity in language

Author:  Babina L.V.

Affiliation:  Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin

Abstract:  Derived and compound words are treated as a result of secondary interpretation, implying selectivity in the formation and processing of knowledge and linguistic creativity. The linguistic and cognitive mechanisms underlying the creation of place names, that are nicknames, and neologisms, that represent knowledge about a human being.

Keywords:  derived words ◆ compound words secondary interpretation ◆ linguistic creativity ◆ composition ◆ blending ◆ affixation ◆ conceptual integration

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Istochniki fakticheskogo materiala

Popular Nicknames of London City. URL: http://londonbeep.com/ nicknames-of-london-city
The Economist. January 31st 2009. 42 p.

Pages:  107-124

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