


Author:  E.B. Ryabykh

Affiliation:  Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin

Abstract:  The object of analysis in the article is the individual author’s metaphor. It is noted that conceptual metaphor is a kind of abstract model (invariant). Numerous individual author’s variants are the result of its "filling". Based on the analysis of the multitude of individual author’s variants there is an opportunity to highlight the collective model of conceptual metaphor, reflecting the specific national identity. It is emphasized that the focus of attention in the article is the subjectivity of perception of the world. The author identifies monometaphorical and polymetaphorical models, the last one of which includes the correlative and incorporated models. Correlative metaphorical model is the communication scheme between two or more groups correlated with each other conceptual areas. Incorporated model can be included into the structure of polymetaphorical correlative model that depends on the individual author’s idea and on the commitment to learning diverse world through non-stereotypical activities.

Keywords:  individual author's metaphor, monometaphorical and polymetaphorical models, correlative model, incorporated model, perception, non-stereotypical activities.


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Pages:  408-414

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