


Author:  Vera I. Zabotkina

Affiliation:  Russian State Humanities University

Abstract:  The paper concentrates on society-knowledge-discourse interface. We build on two strands: (a) the discourse theory by M. Faucault, V. Demjankov, E. Kubryakova; (b) social-cognitive approach to discourse analysis suggested by van Dijk, and (c) theory of interpretation by N. Boldyrev. We also draw on sociocognitive approach to discourse analysis suggested by van Dijk. We argue that interdisciplinary discourse is a means of generation and transfer of integrated knowledge. We come to the conclusion that there is a certain correlation between the structures of knowledge and the structures of interdisciplinary discourse. Both are dynamic by nature and adapt to the changing communicative situation in society. We argue that transfer of knowledge by means of interdisciplinary discourse is different in different cultures and societies.

Keywords:  interdisciplinary academic discourse, multidisciplinarity, integrated knowledge, culture-specific models, society.



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Pages:  300-308

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