Author: V.V. Sokovnina
Affiliation: Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
The cognitive mechanism of the emergence of modern Russian literature in the genre of nonsense is analyzed. New forms of nonsense on the Internet and processes of realization of the language game within the genre are discussed in the report.
Keywords: nonsense, creolized text, web-published comics, web-published poetry, cognitive linguistics
Гридина Т.А. К истокам вербальной креативности: творческие эвристики детской речи // Лингвистика креатива: коллективная монография / отв. ред. Т.А. Гридина. Екатеринбург, 2009.
Фрейд З. Художник и фантазирование / пер. с нем. Р.Ф. Додельцева. М., 1995.
Pages: 735-737