


Author:  R.S. Kimov

Affiliation:  Kabardino-Balkar State University named after Kh. M. Berbekov

Abstract:  The problem of polysemy has always been the focus of domestic (Russian) researchers, though prominent Western linguists argue that polysemy in the world linguistics began to enjoy serious attention only at the end of the XX and the beginning of the XXI century. In addition, an attempt is made to argue that, on the contrary to Western scholars’ opinion, who believe that metonymy has not practically been involved in serious linguistic consideration, it has always been very fruitfully studied in Russian linguistics. It is also demonstrated that metaphor as a cognitive phenomenon, in whatever paradigm of knowledge it might be involved, is a unidirectional phenomenon based on the interaction of the two domains: the source and the target one.

Keywords:  polysemy, metaphor, metonymy, categorization, epidigmatic relations, cognitive theory of metaphor


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Pages:  65-77

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