


Author:  Yanko T.E.

Affiliation:  Institute of Linguistics of Russian Academy of Sciences


The paper aims at analyzing both the Russian within-language and cross-linguistic variation in linearizing themes and rhemes in the process of transferring information from the speaker to the hearer. A variety of communicative and linear-accentual structures of the sentences with common syntactic and lexical structure is analyzed. A central part of the analysis is the hypothesis that a sequence of themes and rhemes chained together in some fashion encodes a certain cognitive process of conceiving and organizing information in discourse. The within-language variation is exemplified by contrasting the linear-accentual structures of one sentence taken from Russian fiction and voiced over by six different actors using various communicative strategies of the themerheme sentence structure. The cross-linguistic variation is illustrated by some comparable themerheme strategies displaying identical discourse functions in a variety of languages.

Keywords:  communicative variation, cross-linguistic variation, within-language variation, cognitive strategy, information transferring, communicative paradigm, voicing over, fiction, word order, intonation


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Pages:  203-215

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